SEOUL Family + Birth Photographer | Amber DeCicco Photography

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Five Amazing Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer

Five Amazing Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer

1. For the memories

When showing the photos from a birth to the families for the first time, the mom usually says at some point, "wow, I don't remember that at all." Birth photographers are observers. We watch for moments that you will want to remember. The mother is pretty distracted from everything else going on in the room. Having a birth photographer there to capture all the big moments & little details will aid your memory of the day.


2. It's a special day for dad too.

I've heard it said many times that becoming a dad for the first time doesn't hit the dad until the baby has arrived. Those moments are worthwhile and are begging to be documented.

He also deserves to be IN the photos, not fumbling around with the camera. Even if your S/O is a great photographer, having that extra distraction can take away. It takes away from the special emotional bonding that happens during those first hours of life.


3. Being able to relive that day can bring you healing and make you feel like superwoman.

I'm a true believer in photography being used as a healing tool. Sometimes things don't go as planned. Birth plans can change. Babies can arrive earlier than anticipated, emergency situations can escalate. Being able to look at photos of a traumatic event can help bring clarity and healing to a hurting mother and family.

Sometimes moms have a negative recollection to how they struggled through labor. This, sadly, can cause embarrassment or shame. Being able to tangibly see another person's perspective can help you see that your birth team is a judgement free zone. We are there to hold space for you—to extend grace and provide comfort when you need it the most, all the while cheering you on from the sidelines. We are there for you, lady! 100% on your team!



4. Your child WILL love this someday.

Seriously. One of my favorite photos of all time is the photo of my dad holding me for the first time. He was so young and handsome, and happy—he had the biggest grin on his face! Not to mention the goofy blue hospital hat and gown, it makes me giggle. Looking at that photo and the few other photos I have of that day help me tangibly see, as an adult, how much I was loved and wanted from the very beginning.

5. Hire a professional birth photographer, not your friend.

Photographing a birth presents many challenging lighting situations. As a professional photographer, I know my camera and gear very well. I'm able to quickly assess those tricky lighting situations and make fast decisions to get the best possible photo. Many entry level DSLR's and lenses aren't able to handle low light. Even with proper gear, for someone without much experience in birth photography would have a difficult time.

Another thing to consider is that many friends and family members take photos that are too graphic to share. I know how to maneuver myself in those tight quarters to capture tasteful, beautiful images that will be cherished.