Model Call

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Aloha! Is anyone here planning a home birth this year on the island of Oahu and would love to have your babies birth story documented?

I am a birth photographer in the process of building my portfolio and I am searching for the right family to document this special day for. The eligible family would receive a 50% discount off of my regular packages. If you are interested, please email me ( by July 16 and include the following information:

  1. Your Guess Date

  2. What you are planning for this birth OR what your ideal birth looks like

  3. If you have other children and whether or not they will be attending this birth

  4. Why you would love to have your babies birth story documented!

October, November, December and January due dates are welcome to apply. Other dates or birth plans (hospital births or otherwise) would be considered.

Birth Photographer, Amber DeCicco, photographs the most memorable days of your life.  She also specializes in wedding and lifestyle family photography. Contact her today for more information.