Headshots and an Interview | Learn about Lindsay | Rodan + Fields Consultant

Today I wanted to share a recent headshot Portrait session of my friend, Lindsay Price!

When Lindsay approached me about getting some new headshot portraits of her taken for her business, she told me about how it was a part of her vision board, that if she reached her monthly goals she would treat herself to some new portraits! I love that, and she inspired me to create a vision board for my business and where I want it to go. #2018goals

This was a super fun session, we started with family photographs (take a look at that session here) and then added Lindsay's headshot portrait session onto it. 

Lindsay is such an inspiring person! As an entrepreneur, I'm always picking the brains of other woman entrepreneurs, and Lindsay especially has encouraged me to introspectively think about my business and why I do what I do. After talking with her more in depth about her passion for her work, I really wanted to feature her on my blog. When I asked if she would share her heart on some business related topics, she graciously said Yes! Read on to hear what Lindsay has to say, and see some of the portraits we created!


Tell us a bit about yourself!

I am a mom of two a beautiful girl—one has four paws and sheds a lot, the other is an adorable yet persistent little one, who only stands on two “paws”. I am married to a selfless man, who serves in the Navy as a Meteorologist and Oceanographer and I am a proud military spouse. A Mizzou Alumni, I studied Business Marketing, Economics & Statistics.  Further exploring my love to serve others, I became a Certified Pharmacy Technician in 2013 during my husband’s first deployment. After years in that field, I was looking for more flexibility and the ability to utilize all my skills while primarily focusing on giving back in all forms. I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey and started my own virtual business alongside two Dermatologists and many other entrepreneurs. I enjoy crafting and being creative in all forms—in my limited spare time. I am a believer, who values serving others and a girl who loves to try a new recipe. That’s right. Whether I’m whipping something up or checking out a new restaurant, food is my secret love language. Lunch anyone?



Why did you start your business?

In College I worked full time and went to school full time with little time for the 'normal' college life of parties and late nights. I was worried about making my car payment, filling my pantry, and maintaining friendships {with the few who didn't care I was always working or at school}. Granted, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Taught me a LOT.  I always secretly wished someone would 'throw me a bone' or an opportunity would land at my feet. How could I pay all my bills, have the flexibility to enjoy life AND not jeopardize my main focus—in all my different seasons of life.


Fast forward couple years. Throw in a marriage, a move, job struggle, career realignment, another move, and a baby and BOOM!! Something sparked inside me. I craved the idea to work my own hours. On my time. And be my own boss. Why not join a market with staggering growth and international market potential while utilizing my degree, certification and skills I’ve put in so much time and effort to obtain. I couldn’t imagine loads of inventory, paperwork and being limited by my home office.  I really wanted the perfect for me job where I could work on my time, around my life and whatever came our way. I wanted it ALL.

||Okay, now I’m out of breathe. *Sigh*||

But think about this: the idea that I could stop being overlooked for advancement. Maximize my skills, share my heartfelt intentions, and fulfill other’s needs and desires without sacrificing one.more.thing to our military lifestyle. Y'all. I could raise a family AND have a fulfilling career where I MAKE an IMPACT. Do Good and GIVE. I could have something for me AND my FAMILY.

And just like that, my hesitations and fears melted. My confidence in this business model ignited and my ‘what if’s’ became the reality of my future. And my #RFJourney began.


What is your favorite thing about being a Rodan + Fields Consultant?

I’m not sure I can pin-point just one thing! There are SOO many, so I’ll share a few: Empowering others. Restoring Confidence. Building genuine and true relationships. Being a part of something BIGGER than yourse;f. Reconnecting with friends & colleagues.  Serving others and GiVing back. It’s all powerful and leads to my passion to continue to serve others through this business.



Tell us about some of your business goals.

To help fulfill one’s entrepreneurial desires and passions through this business opportunity and help those find products that deliver results and have skin they are confident in.


You are a part of Team GiVe with R+F, what is that all about?

When I was exploring how this opportunity could work for me and my family, I was introduced to the Team GiVe culture and I knew I wanted to be a part of it. It was 100% refreshing.  A whole team designed around true team work—empowering and inspiring others while giving back every step of the way— it was a no brainer that I belonged on this team. Our morals aligned. I knew that if I was going to take on a new business, I did not want to walk through this journey alone. The leadership at Team GiVe is truly invested in our personal development and success!


What inspires you?

Serving others in all forms, hearing new perspectives and gain new vantage points through other’s stories. Hearing stories of people who don’t let anything hold them back and go after their desirers in life. Not everyone’s going to like everyone. But I feel being a good human needs more broadcasting today. All we hear about is the bad in the world.

Helping others, being a great person and friend, doing the unexpected. Having people walk away saying “I’m so glad I’ve met her”, that is what inspires me.


What is the most helpful business advice you’ve heard all year?

I’ve heard a LOT of business advice. Some great. Some powerful. Some just awful.

Here are a few things that have stuck with me:
  • It all starts with a ONE person trying to make a difference.
  • Success is measured differently to everyone. Help other reach their level of success and show them it’s possible to dream bigger!
  • Be Yourself and do not compare.


Who is your biggest mentor and why?

In Life. My Dad. After a divorce and a move to a new city, he took a job that was 100% different than his previous profession of 19 years.  After a few years of consistent, hard work and grit, he hit an incredible milestone within his company. He’s not perfect. No one is. But he’s Bob. And tells it like it is. He’s my biggest fan and tells me the hard things I often do not want to hear. You have to have someone who will love you enough to tell you, and he does. I appreciate that, even when I don’t like to hear it.

In my Business. One woman who really inspires me is our team GiVe co-founder, Jen Griswold. A once active duty Airforce office, turned military spouse, mom, author and GiVer, she has paved the path for hardworking, like-minded men and women who are facing challenges that come with the military lifestyle. These challenges are hard to relate to and understand at times. She and countless others have taken this opportunity to change their vantage point as a military spouse and poured into those “disadvantages”, many of which I’ve personally experienced. Now they are highlighted instead of shrugged off and over looked. It’s pretty incredible!


Describe yourself in three words.

Thoughtful. Ambitious and Cheeky.


Why did you choose to get new headshots taken?

It was a vision board item! After our recent move to Hawaii, I saw a great opportunity to cross it off my goal board! What a better place to do that than Hawaii? I knew I found the best photographer to highlight one of the many perks of this business…glowing skin and lush lashes! So I made a deal with myself. If I worked hard and hit my monthly goals I’d get summer headshots—yes I know what you’re thinking—it’s always summer in Hawaii—True! And now I’ve been able to replace this square on my vision board!! Thank you for making this shoot so fun Amber, I’m so blessed to have you help me make that vision a reality!



Inspired by Lindsay’s story? Want to know more about becoming an R+F consultant or the products she offers?

The best way to contact her is by email:  lindsayprice.myrandf@gmail.com where you can establish a better way of contact that works best for both of you!

Also at her website: lindsayprice.myrandf.com

Do your headshots need a refresher?

Need some head shots for your business? Contact me below for rates and availability.

Amber DeCicco Photography  
Birth  •  Family  •  Wedding 
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