Hawai'i Birth Collective Launch Party Recap!

Launch Party Recap

Noelle and I—ready and with a moment to spare before people began to arrive!

Noelle and I—ready and with a moment to spare before people began to arrive!

Thank you so much to everybody who came out to support us during or Hawaii Birth Collective launch party and First Friday birth photography exhibit! Noelle (with videographer Sweet Rain Media) and I are beyond blessed to have you all as friends, clients, and future birth professionals and collaborators...too many beautiful people to mention but hopefully we got a chance to give you a hug and thank you for your support!


After the event ended and we cleaned up, we immediately kicked off our heels and sat back and reminisced about the amazing evening. We were grinning from ear to ear at the wonderful response we received and the awesome feeling of accomplishment for "putting ourselves out there". We gave each other a high five and called it a night. 

We are excited now to move forward in our collective by beginning to collect quality blog content from our amazing birth professionals and vendors across the 'aina because we think what they are doing is amazing, and because we want YOU to know about them. 

My 4 favorite things about the event:
1. Hands down, my favorite part, was seeing and being able to hold two of the babies who's birth I photographed, seeing how much they'd grown and being able to share their amazing and beautiful births with the community!

2. Secondly, doing this together with my dear friend and incredibly talented Noelle. We've had a fun and fast friendship. Having feeling discouraged in running my business by myself and feeling burnt-out, Noelle's friendship has reignited my passion. We work together now on a regular basis, and we both are firm believers in Community over Competition, life is so much better together and I am so grateful for her presence in my life! 

3. The Food. Chef Affron brought down the house with his soul food! SOOOO GOOOOD! Seriously, if you need some amazing food for an event----> www.affronssoulfood.com/

4. The overwhelming feeling of support and love. I have some truly amazing friends here on island, and it was so amazing to have them come out and support us—I am quite an introvert and their presence was encouraging and helped calm my nerves! And, as a transplant to Hawaii, nothing feels better than being given a lei in celebration, especially when you are not expecting it (THANKS JENN & SARAH!). 

#allthefeels #sappyandiknowit 

Check out the Hawaii Birth Collective website for more information on our collective. And stay tuned—while I'll be keeping most of my birth related blog topics to that website I'm sure I'll post about it now and again here on my photography page :) 

<3 Love,



Check out some photos from the event!

Photo cred: Drena Spatharos, Amber DeCicco, and various iPhones :) Thanks friends!